Learning At Work Week 2023

May 15-21, 2023

We are excited to take part in #LearningAtWorkWeek. This year's theme is 'Create the Future,' and we believe that learning is an essential part of creating a better tomorrow. As part of our commitment to supporting workplace learning, we are offering a free infographic on Developing Intercultural Competence.

At a time when cultural awareness and inclusivity are more important than ever, our infographic is designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in a diverse workplace. With clear and concise information and practical tips, this infographic is a useful tool for managers looking to promote intercultural competence within their organisations.

Contact us today to learn how our programmes can benefit your organisation.

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“Really enjoyed the course. My tutor was really nice, he was so patient with me and explained things in a way and manner that made it fun but got the message across. The school itself was great, all of the people were really nice and friendly and made us feel very welcome. All in all, I really enjoyed the complete experience.“

German Residential Course

Computacenter, UK

"The Skype lessons are interesting – they are definitely more difficult as they aren’t in person, but this is good practice for speaking on the phone and additionally it makes my face to face lessons in the office easier. "

French Skype Lessons

Total Exploration & Production

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